Your heart is one of the most vital organs in your body. It’s the center of your circulation system, pumping blood to deliver oxygen to all of your other organs. Because it’s so important, you want to keep it healthy, and diet is a big part of that. So we propose you keep your heart at peak levels of health by eating delicious fish.
How Does Fish Help Your Heart?
Fish is a food staple across many countries and cultures, and has long been regarded as a healthy dish. For starters, fish is a great source of protein that, unlike red meat, is low in saturated fats. It’s also high in Omega-3 fatty acids, which are a type of unsaturated fatty acid. These fatty acids are generally regarded as one of the major benefits of a fish-rich diet, and can greatly help your heart health.
Lower Triglyceride Levels
One of the ways Omega-3s are good for heart health is their ability to lower triglyceride levels. Triglycerides are the most common type of fat in your body and come from the food you consume, especially butter, oils, and saturated fats. They are found in your blood and are stored as body fat, so while it’s good to have some for your body to burn, high levels of triglycerides have been linked with the fatty build-up in the artery walls. This unfortunately results in a higher risk of a heart attack or stroke.
Reduce Plaque Buildup
Another thing it can greatly reduce is your chances of having a heart attack due to plaque buildup. Plaque is mostly made of fat, cholesterol, and calcium. When it accumulates in your arteries, it limits the flow of oxygen-rich blood getting through your body. This is bad enough on its own, but occasionally areas of plaque can rupture, which can create a blood clot. If this clot clogs an already narrowed artery, this blocks the blood flow to the heart, causing a heart attack.
Eating more fish, as opposed to red meat, can help reduce the chances of both plaque buildup and high triglyceride levels. The Omega-3s found in fish can help reduce inflammation and improve the function of endothelial cells that line blood vessels. Eating fish as opposed to fattier foods also lowers cholesterol, so your blood pressure levels will likely be far lower than on a meat-rich diet.
How Often Should You Eat Fish?
Eating fish and seafood is highly recommended by the American Heart Association to prevent heart disease and other heart complications. They suggest a consistent diet of at least two 3 oz portions of fish per week. Some of the best fish for Omega-3s are fish like salmon, tilapia, and flounder. Stick with healthier cooking options like baking or poaching fish as opposed to frying to ensure you’re not adding too much saturated fat that you’d otherwise avoid.
Can I Just Take Fish Oil Supplements?
It’s not that fish oil supplements can’t help. It’s that they don’t help nearly as much as actually eating fish twice a week. Fish oil isn’t exactly the same as Omega-3 fatty acid, even if there is some overlap. Also, they frankly miss one of the biggest benefits – if you’re eating fish, you’re cutting out potentially more unhealthy food. If you’re taking fish oil supplements but still eating fried food and bacon burgers every day, you’re still risking your heart health.
Overall, eating fish twice a week is a major benefit to your body, especially your heart. Find a fish that appeals to you, check out recipes to find new ways of adding fish to your diet, and eat your way to better cardiovascular health.