Commercial Fishing Boat in Water

Commercial Fishing is an industry that has flourished not only nationally, but globally. The fishing industry provides fresh fish as seafood is in great demand all over the world. There are many details to commercial fishing like the boats, ownership, and quota restrictions. Read on to learn more about the fishing industry, and see how seafood goes from the sea to your plate.

Where are Major Fishing Boats Located?

The fishing industry is made of many boats that leave fish piers everyday in the US. In Massachusetts, boats most commonly leave from Boston piers, Cape Cod piers that are down Cape, and New Bedford piers. Some boats leave for day trips and some boats go out on open waters for weeks at a time. Channel Fish Processing operates out of the Gloucester harbor, one of the most important fishing ports in the U.S.


Who Owns Major Fishing Boats? How Much Fish Can They Catch?

Boats can be owned by corporations, or can be family owned. The proceeds and salaries are dependent on the amount of fish caught during a trip. The captains of the boats, or the owners, have a quota that they own. This means they can only fish for a certain limit, and in a certain area of the ocean. Owners of quota can lease out their quote if they don’t reach the limit or if they choose not to fish.

What Has the Fishing Industry Done for Jobs? What do Fisherman Do?

These boats offer jobs that flourish in the right areas of the country. Fishing boats offer jobs to multiple deck workers that pull the drags or nets and cut, clean, or shuck the fish as it’s caught. Deckhands, captains, engineers and mates are all needed on boats of all sizes. When they reach the shore and their cleaning and cutting is done, boats deliver their seafood directly to processing companies or to restaurants.

Has the Industry Gained Popularity Over the Years?

Recent television shows have brought light to the fishing industry. Shows like Deadliest Catch and Wicked Tuna have brought interest and popularity, depicting the intensity and hard work goes into the job. Many people enjoy fresh fish, and there’s no denying the steady demand. Some people like to know where the fish they eat comes from, and what it takes to harvest and clean the fresh fish.

Have you looked into the fish piers near you? Do you live in an area where the fishing industry is booming? Learn more about how we process and acquire our fresh fish products at