Be Part of Our Channel Fish Family!

Sustainably Processed, Deliciously Consumed

By harnessing and combining over 74 years of expertise with state-of-the-art facilities and technology, Channel Fish strives to provide excellent customer service and use our strategic global seafood supply chain to obtain and utilize superior resources. We have created a seafood processing company in Braintree, MA that is dedicated solely to providing customers with the highest quality seafood products available.

haddock fish sticks battered

Private Label

Private Labeling is our specialty and focus. We produce for the most reputable retailers and seafood distributors both locally and nationally, consistently delivering the highest quality products to our loyal customer base.

Joining the Channel family ensures that you grow your brand alongside supporting American businesses.

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At Channel Fish Processing we believe sustainability is essential for the seafood processing industry to continue to thrive. It is our responsibility to provide customers with sustainable seafood products from reputable sources around the globe.

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Gulf of Maine logo
Certified Sustainable Seafood MSC
Best Agriculture Practices, Certified

Family Owned

north atlantic fish sticksDating back to 1903, Channel Fish is deeply rooted in the Boston seafood processing history. Now, with 4 generations of expertise, Channel Fish remains 100% family-owned to this day. The fish business is ingrained in our DNA.

For over 74 years, the Zaffiro family of Channel Fish Processing has provided the highest quality North Atlantic seafood to our customers. Channel has grown and developed from a local New England Cod and Haddock processor, to a nationwide seafood distributor.

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Our Products


Channel Fish offers a daily selection of premier New England ground fish species.

We buy directly from New England fishing boats from Maine down through Rhode Island. Our employees attend the important auctions, inspecting all fish first-hand, before purchase.

The high-quality species cut and produced within our AA Rated BRC Approved Braintree seafood processing facility include: Haddock, Cod, Salmon, Atlantic Pollock, and Ocean Perch.

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Glazed Atlantic Pollock over a bed of mashed sweet potatoes

Latest News

The Changing Tides of New Product Innovation

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Powering Your Progress and Profits in the New Year

As we begin a new year, many of us are excited to adopt fresh habits that pave the way for a better bottom line, healthier lifestyle, and increased well-being. Did you know that a simple addition like seafood could be the secret for your success in the New Year? Embracing seafood is a small change...

Sharing Our Family-Owned Spirit

Channel Fish has been family-owned and operated for over 74 years. The Zaffiro family has been providing the highest quality North Atlantic seafood to our customers, building trust, relationships, and a strong vision towards the future.  When you work in a family business, you usually learn about the business from the ground up, typically beginning...