The research is in and the benefits of fish have been confirmed once again. Fish is an excellent source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids. These powerful omega-3s are an essential fatty acid which have been linked to improve heart health. Fish is also a good source of vitamin D, which helps keep bones healthy, as well as vitamin B2, which is good for the skin, eyes, red blood cells, and nervous system. In addition to these benefits, fish has been shown to help people who live with diabetes and could be a potential prevention for those at risk for Type 2 diabetes. In fact, scientists and researchers have long hypothesised that consumption of fish may reduce the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. Let’s take a closer look at how eating two portions of fish a week can have beneficial effects on our health, especially for those with diabetes.


In general, researchers, nutritionists, and doctors agree that fish is a great addition to any diet, mainly because it is high in protein, resulting in the feeling of being full for a longer period of time. Fish is also typically low in fat, resulting in better overall weight management. Weight management is key in preventing Type 2 diabetes and keeping blood glucose and AC1 numbers in the best range.


Fatty fish also contains omega-3 fatty acids, which cut down on cardiovascular problems that can accompany diabetes. Cassandra Rico, MPH, RD, Associate Director of Nutrition and Medical Affairs for the American Diabetes Association remarks that, “Fish is a great protein choice, a source of healthy fat, and it contains important vitamins and minerals.” Eating fish, therefore, can be a great strategy for eating well with diabetes. Not only is it easy to incorporate into any diet, but it is tasty as well. She suggests avoiding fish sticks and fried fish, and going for fish that can be baked, grilled, or seared, for the best nutritional benefits. Check out the recipes and products at